Monday, February 5, 2018

Peanut Cookies for Chinese New Year celebration

Time for peanut cookies for Chinese New Year celebration.  Chinese New Year is just around the corner.  There are many stalls selling CNY cookies, ranging from a few dollars to 20-30 dollars per bottle.

Among the more popular cookies for CNY are the pineapple tarts, kueh kapit and peanut cookies.  In my previous post, we have shared with you how to make nice melt in your mouth pineapple tarts.

Never underesstimate the amount of effort put in to make nice delicious peanut cookies, though it is one of the easier cookies to make, however the ingredients and preparation for baking the cookies can be tedious, when you are particular about using natural and best ingredients for your cookies.

I tried one with peanut butter, yes, that was the lazy way out.  It was not cheap too.  This time, I have decided to prepare the ingredients mostly from scratch.  Here are the recipe for peanut butter cookies.

Ingredients for Peanut Cookies

500g roasted peanuts
4 pieces of kong teng ( see picture) 
400 gm plain flour
300 gm gm sugar

200 gm of butter
a pinch of salt
1 egg, beaten for glazing

How to Prepare The Ingredients for Peanut Cookies

Heat up wok, *add 2 tablespoon of olive oil, add peanuts
*Stir fry peanuts till nice brown, some of the peanut skins will peel off , the fragrance of the peanuts will permeate once the peanuts are properly cooked
*Remove peanut skins from peanuts
*Pound or blend peanut till smooth and finely pounded/blended
*Add kong teng, pound and blend, mix kong teng with peanut
*In a clean bowl, add sugar, flour, salt, butter and the pounded peanut and kong teng, knead and mix well until properly combined
*Keep kneading for few more minutes till the mixture is properly kneaded and does not stick to fingers.  Otherwise, ok to mix with a little olive oil
*Once ready, start pinching about 7-10gm for each peanut ball/cookie
*Roll each peanut till round and press on top with round tip or mechanical pencil top cover
*Put them evenly on a tray and glaze with yellow egg yolk

*Put tray to bake for about 15 minutes or when peanut cookies turn brown

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